Workshops. Expeditions into the future.
Impulsworkshop schaffen wir die Voraussetzungen, sich alternative Zukünfte und deren Auswirkungen auf euer aktuelles Geschäftsmodell vorzustellen, bevor wir uns eine Zukunft ausmalen, die wir gestalten wollen.
You want to increase your perspective for the future? You want to know which megatrends and driving forces and wild cards could influence your company? You want to playfully train your future capability in a team?
Wildes Terrain. Alternative Zukünfte. Zukunftsszenarien im visionären längerfristigen Denken und Handeln.
Abenteuer. Analyse und Kreativität. Neugier und Mut.
Zukunftsreise – 4 Szenarien.
The future is unpredictable - often less so today than ever before due to complexity and non-linearity. Nevertheless, the future does not have to be a coincidence.
Zukunftsreise: Wir schicken euch auf eine Reise durch vier verschiedene Zukunftsszenarien und erkunden mögliche Auswirkungen auf aktuelle Geschäftsmodelle und Produktportfolios, bevor wir eure bevorzugte Zukunft definieren und wie ihr diesen Weg bereits heute beginnen könnt.
Travel with me to the year 2030. What would the world look like? Which megatrends, driving forces and wild cards could unfold? What could these future landscapes mean for the mobility of tomorrow?
You learn how future scenarios are used in longer-term thinking and action to reduce uncertainty and structure chaos.
Based on your ideas we will identify the main drivers from different areas (technological, ecological, etc.). Based on their potential impact and unpredictability, we will develop several plausible and consistent scenarios. We will work in an interactive mix of theoretical inputs, creative-analytical rounds and joint discussions. The aim of this seminar is to enable you to pragmatically appropriate foresight thinking and scenario elements as tools for exploring possible futures.
Zukunftsreise – 4 Szenarien.
The future is unpredictable - often less so today than ever before due to complexity and non-linearity. Nevertheless, the future does not have to be a coincidence.
Zukunftsreise: Wir schicken euch auf eine Reise durch vier verschiedene Zukunftsszenarien und erkunden mögliche Auswirkungen auf aktuelle Geschäftsmodelle und Produktportfolios, bevor wir eure bevorzugte Zukunft definieren und wie ihr diesen Weg bereits heute beginnen könnt.
Travel with me to the year 2030. What would the world look like? Which megatrends, driving forces and wild cards could unfold? What could these future landscapes mean for the mobility of tomorrow?
You learn how future scenarios are used in longer-term thinking and action to reduce uncertainty and structure chaos.
Based on your ideas we will identify the main drivers from different areas (technological, ecological, etc.). Based on their potential impact and unpredictability, we will develop several plausible and consistent scenarios. We will work in an interactive mix of theoretical inputs, creative-analytical rounds and joint discussions. The aim of this seminar is to enable you to pragmatically appropriate foresight thinking and scenario elements as tools for exploring possible futures.
V…Zukunfts – Exped –
Zukunft – Vergangenheit – eigener angriff – Kopfstand. –
schlüpfen sie in ..
Diskutieren, wie es weiter geht
Ihr möchtet Eure Ideen und Fragen für die Zukunft überprüfen? Welche Trends könnten unserer Körper, Unternehmen und Maschinen beeinflussen? Und was passiert mit Euren Ideen, wenn man genau das Gegenteil behauptet? In analogen und digitalen Settings präsentiere ich meine Gedanken zu Eurer Zukunft und versuche, Euch neue Fragen mit auf den Weg zu geben. Gemeinsam diskutieren und priorisieren wir Herausforderungen, Erfolgsfaktoren und Handlungsoptionen.
Vision, Werte & Wofür. Nordstern, um durch wilde und ruhige Zeiten zu navigieren.
Challenging the used future - setting off into the new now with 3 horizons
Gemeinsam nutzen wir mehrere Zukunftsmethoden, um die Vision eures Unternehmens zu aktualisieren und die Mission festzulegen, wie ihr von der Gegenwart in die Zukunft gelangen könnt. Indem wir mehrere Abteilungen einbeziehen, bringen wir eure gesamte Organisation auf einen belastbaren Weg in die Zukunft.
Ursprünge und Visionen erkunden
Ihr wollt wissen, woher ihr kommt und wohin ihr gehen könntet?
Ihr möchtet simulieren, was bald sein könnte oder Geschichten sammeln über das, was einmal war? Ich entwickle mit Euch Zukunftswelten. Wir suchen nach Daten, um unsere Zeitreisen konkreter zu machen. Die erarbeiteten Destinationen übertragen wir in Blogs, Podcasts, Ausstellungen, Webseiten oder Videospiele.
Auf Basis dieses starken Narrativs der Veränderung können wir eure Reise in die angestrebte Zukunft gestalten. Ein Bild der Zukunft unterstützt Euch konkret dabei, Euch über Sein und Wirken und vor allem auch über die Einzigartigkeit als Unternehmen oder Organisation klar zu werden. Zukunftsbilder bieten eine übergeordnete Navigation für Entscheidungen und zur Verankerung von Werten im Alltag.
Identification with values. Navigation for decisions.
- You know which drivers and challenges could affect your business or organisational environment
- You reflect and update your internal and external assumptions and paradigms.
- You have clarity about your values, your Why. You are strengthened in the team and full of a spirit of embarkation.
Leading in einem komplexen Umfeld.
Leading ist das Kreieren von Zukunft.
Navigieren Unbekannten und Umgang mit dem Unvorhersehbaren.
Lernt, wie ihr mit Futures-Tools euer Team motivieren könnt, um der Zukunft positiv zu begegnen und die Zukunft eurer Organisation proaktiv mitzugestalten.
hre eigene Praxis der Komplexität von Leadership und den Paradoxien, eingehend zu reflektieren und ihre Erfahrungen und Zweifel ernst zu nehmen. Sie gewinnen tiefere Einblicke in die Komplexität ihres leaderships und entwickeln neue Ideen, wie sie ein Gleichgewicht und eine gute Kommunikation erschaffen.
- a theoretical understanding of the complexity and social constructivist theories of leadership
- A look at the paradoxes in one's own leadership and a reflection on balance in different contexts.
- The ability to put oneself in the shoes of other strategic actors and understand their values, concerns and logic
- Opportunity to step back and reflect on your organisation's strategic goals and the role of planning in strategic management
- An understanding of innovation and how to recognise and promote it
Workshops. Expeditions into the future.
Wildes Terrain. Alternative Zukünfte. Zukunftsszenarien im visionären längerfristigen Denken und Handeln.
Abenteuer. Analyse und Kreativität. Neugier und Mut.
Remote. In Ihren Räumen. Draussen. Je nachdem, was Sie brauchen, ist dies meist flexibel möglich. Lassen Sie uns einfach ins Gespräch kommen.
Scenarios. Desired futures of mobility.
The future is unpredictable - often less so today than ever before due to complexity and non-linearity. Nevertheless, the future does not have to be a coincidence.
Travel with me to the year 2030. What would the world look like? Which megatrends, driving forces and wild cards could unfold? What could these future landscapes mean for the mobility of tomorrow?
You learn how future scenarios are used in longer-term thinking and action to reduce uncertainty and structure chaos.
Based on your ideas we will identify the main drivers from different areas (technological, ecological, etc.). Based on their potential impact and unpredictability, we will develop several plausible and consistent scenarios. We will work in an interactive mix of theoretical inputs, creative-analytical rounds and joint discussions. The aim of this seminar is to enable you to pragmatically appropriate foresight thinking and scenario elements as tools for exploring possible futures.
- Knowledge of the importance of future thinking and transformative scenarios
- Future megatrends, drivers, wild cards and opportunities
- Developing different scenarios for tomorrow's mobility and how they can unfold
- How we can learn from the future to act today
Future image, values & what for. North Star, to go through wild and ruhige Zeiten zu navigieren.
Challenging the used future - setting off into the new now with 3 horizons
To implement powerful strategies, projects and innovations, you need a transformed image and vision for the future. Based on this powerful narrative of change, we can shape your journey into the future you aspire to. A picture of the future supports you concretely in becoming clear about being and working and, above all, about the uniqueness as a company or organisation. Images of the future offer an overarching navigation for decisions and for anchoring values in everyday life.
Identification with values. Navigation for decisions.
- You know which drivers and challenges could affect your business or organisational environment
- You reflect and update your internal and external assumptions and paradigms.
- You have clarity about your values, your Why. You are strengthened in the team and full of a spirit of embarkation.
Leading in einem komplexen Umfeld.
Planung des Unbekannten und Umgang mit dem Unvorhersehbaren.
Instead of offering quick solutions, the course gives participants the opportunity to reflect deeply on their own practice of leadership complexity and paradoxes and to take their experiences and doubts seriously. They gain deeper insights into the complexity of their leadership and develop new ideas on how to create balance and good communication.
- a theoretical understanding of the complexity and social constructivist theories of leadership
- A look at the paradoxes in one's own leadership and a reflection on balance in different contexts.
- The ability to put oneself in the shoes of other strategic actors and understand their values, concerns and logic
- Opportunity to step back and reflect on your organisation's strategic goals and the role of planning in strategic management
- An understanding of innovation and how to recognise and promote it
Für Teams. 5 Tage. Mit der Förderung durch Erasmus+Programm und in Kooperation mit meinen Partnern von In Dialogue aus Kopenhagen/Dänemark.
Zukunftsreise – 4 Szenarien
The future is unpredictable - often less so today than ever before due to complexity and non-linearity. Nevertheless, the future does not have to be a coincidence.
Travel with me to the year 2030. What would the world look like? Which megatrends, driving forces and wild cards could unfold? What could these future landscapes mean for the mobility of tomorrow?
You learn how future scenarios are used in longer-term thinking and action to reduce uncertainty and structure chaos.
Zukunftsreise: Wir schicken euch auf eine Reise durch vier verschiedene Zukunftsszenarien und erkunden mögliche Auswirkungen auf aktuelle Geschäftsmodelle und Produktportfolios, bevor wir eure bevorzugte Zukunft definieren und wie ihr diesen Weg bereits heute beginnen könnt.
- Knowledge of the importance of future thinking and transformative scenarios
- Future megatrends, drivers, wild cards and opportunities
- Developing different scenarios for tomorrow's mobility and how they can unfold
- How we can learn from the future to act today
Future image, values & what for. North Star, to go through wild and ruhige Zeiten zu navigieren.
Challenging the used future - setting off into the new now with 3 horizons
To implement powerful strategies, projects and innovations, you need a transformed image and vision for the future. Based on this powerful narrative of change, we can shape your journey into the future you aspire to. A picture of the future supports you concretely in becoming clear about being and working and, above all, about the uniqueness as a company or organisation. Images of the future offer an overarching navigation for decisions and for anchoring values in everyday life.
Identification with values. Navigation for decisions.
- You know which drivers and challenges could affect your business or organisational environment
- You reflect and update your internal and external assumptions and paradigms.
- You have clarity about your values, your Why. You are strengthened in the team and full of a spirit of embarkation.
Leading in einem komplexen Umfeld.
Planung des Unbekannten und Umgang mit dem Unvorhersehbaren.
Instead of offering quick solutions, the course gives participants the opportunity to reflect deeply on their own practice of leadership complexity and paradoxes and to take their experiences and doubts seriously. They gain deeper insights into the complexity of their leadership and develop new ideas on how to create balance and good communication.
- a theoretical understanding of the complexity and social constructivist theories of leadership
- A look at the paradoxes in one's own leadership and a reflection on balance in different contexts.
- The ability to put oneself in the shoes of other strategic actors and understand their values, concerns and logic
- Opportunity to step back and reflect on your organisation's strategic goals and the role of planning in strategic management
- An understanding of innovation and how to recognise and promote it
Für Teams. 5 Tage. Mit der Förderung durch Erasmus+Programm und in Kooperation mit meinen Partnern von In Dialogue aus Kopenhagen/Dänemark.
Fachkurse – Trainings – Workshops
Increase your future knowledge and transform complexity into action.
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Increase your future knowledge and transform complexity into action.