As an expert on future issues, Alice Rombach is invited to various events in business, politics and society, in order to set important impulses in 30 - 120 minute keynotes or lectures, as required. In small circles of the board as well as in larger halls, at management meetings, congress events, anniversary celebrations, trade fair kick-offs, customer events or panel discussions.
Economic and social innovations, (post)digital futures, future roles of humanity, technology and nature, and transformations of work.
Let me take you on an expedition into the future. Topics are developed specifically for each performance, based on my own research activities.
Vision. New horizons. Concrete action now.
Future Expedition 2050 - What will our world look like? (Digitalization, Sustainability, Geopolitics, Work)
The future is unpredictable - often less so today than ever before due to globalization, complexity and uncertainty. Nevertheless, the future does not have to be a coincidence. Why embark on this expedition toward the future without training and equipment? Travel with me to the year 2050. How have digitalization, sustainability, geopolitics and work developed? What could these future landscapes mean for you? Scenarios are thought experiments. They make it possible to go on future expeditions in order to train to deal with multiple futures. This learning of a new perspective on the future enables companies and individuals to make better decisions today. And thus to proactively shape the future.
Future of innovation (sustainability, diversity, technology)
The futures of innovation not only look at the technical dimension, but develop it in combination with social, socio-political and ecological future issues. Future innovations also connect different times, take valuable things from the past, face the challenges of the present and thus dynamically involve people, animals, plants, bacteria, raw materials, machines and technology for the future. In this way, innovative solutions are found that are not only based on technology, but also take sustainability and diversity into account.
Working worlds of the future. (Leadership, Education, AI, Life-Work)
Jobs that are dying out, new occupational fields, shortages of skilled workers and pressure to innovate, smart machines and artificial intelligence, the battle for talent, changes in work biographies and the need for meaningful activities and a life-work balance. The future of work will also be much more flexible, dynamic and international than it is today. All of this shows one thing above all - we need to actively shape these future worlds of work, rather than them shaping us. What we need are inspiring working worlds - both analog and digital.
(Post)digital futures (artificial intelligence, humanity and knowledge).
Smart rings, health trackers, VR gaming, blockchain incl. cryptos, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, machine learning, network economies, sharing economies - and humans. In a post-digital future, actual, valuable knowledge will be generated from this vast flood of information, aimless data hunting and distracting entertainment. In the future, it will be about a new balance of integrative interfaces of the digital universe and analog resonance encounters. Values and humanity act as the basis of conscious recollection and balance of networking and autonomy. A new ethical culture of the virtual and machine world is being developed that takes diversity into account.
Discovery of new worlds & race for the "last spaces" (AI, Space Age, (Ant)-Arctic, resources).
Our daily life on earth is controlled by satellites. Telecommunications, mobility, nutrition - we are experiencing a new era of the Space Age. This is also accompanied by increasing space debris. From space we receive images of the Anthropocene. About growth, health and migration of plants, forests, water, humans or animals. We also experience the race for the last spaces in the Arctic and Antarctic. Climate change is freeing up resources under the ice at the poles and opening up shorter global shipping lanes. New knowledge from this space perspective and the polar regions is generating future power. Artificial intelligence will also support us in sustainability in the future, for example, glacier behavior in Antarctica will be measured, test laboratories for plant-based nutrition will be developed, and mobility will be controlled cyclically.
Arctic & Futures Expeditions - Lessons Learned on Polar Expeditions (Futures Mindset, Unpredictability and Mental Toughness).
Much of what happens on expeditions resembles the dynamics of the business world, society and private everyday life. However, expeditions show these effects in a very condensed form - be it crises or successes - as if under a burning glass. Futures Mindset and scenarios are thought experiments on which we can undertake journeys into different future landscapes. Expeditions also require precise preparation, but unpredictable things happen all the time along the way. What is crucial is how we deal with it. How we become secure in uncertainty. And it is also about departure, passion and setbacks. About arctic dimensions, new maps and courage. Mental strength for new futures.

Impulse giver.
Future issues specific to your sector.
The topics covered can be tailored to your needs.
In German or English language.
Thematic focuses can be set according to your needs. Please feel free to contact me. Most of the time this can be clarified in a direct conversation.
My expertise is to see social transformations in larger contexts that otherwise remain hidden. Our world is increasingly globalized and digitized - that's why approaches from individual disciplines, be it economics, social sciences or human biology, no longer provide sufficient insights.
As a future researcher, I focus on developments in all relevant disciplines; I analyze decisive changes and thus identify systematic change at an early stage.
It is time to overcome outdated thought patterns.
Expeditions into the past and future to act courageously today.
Let us take you on a journey into the future. With the help of foresight research, we can explore the past and future in order to better understand the present. My keynotes open a well-founded, inspiring insight with a strategically confident outlook.
Economic and social innovations, (post)digital futures, future roles of humanity, technology and nature, and transformations of work.
Moving boundaries. Creating futures.
On stage.

Speakerin. Zukunftsforscherin. Consultant.
I give my audience scientifically based insights and impulses as well as new ideas and future solutions - critical optimism, inspiration and courage!
Die Vorträge auf der Bühne sind nur ein Baustein. Aus meiner Sicht ist es noch mehr, was für Sie, Ihre Kunden, Mitarbeitenden und Mitglieder ein gelungenes, nachhaltiges Zukunftserlebnis ausmacht. Deswegen bekommt mein Publikum zusätzlich Interviews, Q&A-Runden, Artikel, Recherchen, Webinare und Consulting – auf Wunsch vor oder nach diesen Veranstaltungen.
Zukunftsexpedtionen –
Als Alpinistin, Bergsteigerin . Grönland auf Skiern durchquert und den kältesten Berg …..//
Vorbereitung und Ausrüstung sind sehr wichtig, doch das Entscheidende ist, mit all den Unwägbarkeiten auf dem Weg/im offenen Land/im exponierten Land umzugehen…
Ich …
Impulse giver.
Vorbereitung und Ausrüstung sind sehr wichtig, doch das Entscheidende ist, mit all den Unwägbarkeiten auf dem Weg/im offenen Land/im exponierten Land umzugehen…
On stage.

Research: Futures - Concrete Action Impulses.
Welche Auswirkungen haben digitale, nachhaltige und andere Transformation auf Ihre Organisation, Produkte oder Dienstleistungen? Auf Ihre Arbeitswelt? Was wird im Neuen Normal relevant sein? Was verändern Corona, die Klimakrise, Globalisierung oder Künstliche Intelligenz? Ausgehend von Ihrer Zukunftsfrage recherchiere ich mögliche Zukünfte und leite Handlungsideen ab.
Enlarge perspectives and train future thinking.
Ich begleite Sie und Ihr Team auch mit Consulting. Erfahrungsgemäß bietet sich ein Consulting vor der Keynote zur thematischen Einstimmung und/oder auch im Anschluss zur Vertiefung an, um Ergebnisse in ganzheitlichere Zukunftszusammenhänge einzuordnen. Je nach Fragestellung und Ihren Kapazitäten kann dies in einem kompakten oder mehreren Treffen über einen längeren Zeitraum verteilt stattfinden. Hier bieten sich Remote-Treffen an oder bei Bedarf auch gerne bei Ihnen vor Ort.