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2022 - My current thoughts and theses

Covid and crises. Scenarios and strategies.Transforming complexity into action.

The best time to start is now.

Let us look to the future together!

Futures 2022. And beyond.

Vision. New horizons. Concrete action now.

Zukünfte 2023. Und jenseits davon.

Vision. New horizons. Concrete action now.


Start the new year 2022 with clear impulses for the future

Off to new horizons 

For your annual conference, team & staff day, panel discussion, kick-off event, expert lecture or any other event at your venue.

What keeps you concerned? What future knowledge do you need? 

Future Mindset – Wie wir Veränderung neu denken, Ungewissheit navigieren und Zukunft gestalten

The future of humans, machine and nature

The future of education and work

Expedition 2030 - What organisations can learn from expeditions

I look forward to providing you with new insights & inspiration tailored exactly to your event.  


Leading your future.

For focus. For anchorage. For Power to act.


For you as a team, to develop together and to bring your work to new levels.


For you as a leader to unleash your potential, balance and impact.

Lasst uns die desired future – die gewünschte Zukunft entdecken.

We create clarity to identify opportunities. Awareness of the hurdles and how to overcome them. Resilience for future challenges.

We mentally travel into the future to make better decisions today.

Future joy. Clarity. Courage.


I am curious about you and your concerns. Let's get talking in an uncomplicated and flexible way. 



Future scenarios - exploring possible futures of tomorrow's mobility

meccanica feminale 22 bw –

Spring University of Furtwangen University and the University of Stuttgart

24. – 26. february – Still a few places available

Travel with me to the year 2030. What would the world look like? Which megatrends, driving forces and wild cards could unfold? What could these future landscapes mean for the mobility of tomorrow?

I look forward to meeting you.

I am convinced that we are shaping our future now.

Future is not random. 

Future does not just happen, but is a result of the choices we make today.

New challenges require different approaches.

In times of change, increasing uncertainty and paradoxes usual ways of solving certain problems no longer work.

Neue narrative – andere//….// Geschichten für und über unsere zukunft 

Neue narrative Zukunftsfragen – Zukunftshandeln – 

Neue Haltung. Neue Mentalität. Neue Inhalte. Neue innere Haltung/

Zuerst im inneren erschaffen dann im äußeren neue Zukünfte . 

Für innere und äußere Transformation.  

Neue Welt. Neue Geschichten. Neue Visionen. 

Ich begleite Wandel, vermittle Wissen und gestalte mit Euch Zukunft,

Zukunft ist eine Haltung 

Together we develop your future landscapes.

You are looking for an inspiring speaker for your event?

Expand your perspective and train your future skills.

Sound future knowledge with action impulses.

Clear impulses for the future

Expert knowledge, inspiration and a sense of the future - tailored to your event.

Zukunft neu entdecken – Zukunft neu denken – neues Zukunftsdenken – Freude, Begeisterung, Mut, Inspiration, …




Sound future knowledge with action impulses.

Zukunft entdecken

desired futures (/bevorzugte / gewünschte Zukunft


Resilienz für Herausforderungen

klarheit um Chancen zu erkennen

bereisen die Zukunft – um heute bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen – gestärkt und klar mit Mut und Freude




Challenging the used future - setting off into the new now with 3 horizons


Together we develop your future landscapes.

Vision –

nordstern –

unternehmen resilient

Zukunft gestalten



Langfristig und nachhaltig mit mir zusammenarbeiten, um euren Weg in eine transformative Zukunft  ….

Strategische Vorausschau 2022. Und jenseits davon.

Vision. New horizons. Concrete action now.

I know that your time is extremely valuable. That is why I propose these intensive offers to you. You will experience how I work, how foresight tools, scenarios and visions are used, how analysis and creativity interact and what insights are gained for new paths for the future. In half a day, the basis for deeper future processes can indeed be designed.

Different futures and doing the right thing - Strategic scenarios

1/2 – 1 Tag – in the team

„New Normal“ – Szenarien für Ihr Unternehmen oder Organisation im Post-Corona-Terrain

  • You know the drivers and identify the critical uncertainties that could shape the future of your organisation.
  • You develop different scenarios and how they could plausibly unfold around you
  • Sie erkennen die Chancen und Herausforderungen, die Ihr Post-Corona-Umfeld bieten könnte
  • You develop strategic action ideas to increase your future chances of success

Adventure in the High North 2030 - Stress test your strategy or project idea

1/2 day – in the team

Expedition 2030 - Discover drivers, wild cards and scenarios in the storm

  • You know future challenges, disruptions, wild cards and opportunities
  • Your business model was put under stress in "wild terrain" and further developed to be robust for the future
  • Your team has changed perspective and thus gained new perspectives
  • You have dealt analytically and creatively with alternative futures and achieved a basis for scenario development.

Vision, Values & Why - Your North Star to navigate wild and calm times

1/2 day – in the team

Challenging the used future - setting off into the new now with 3 horizons

  • You know which drivers and challenges could affect your business or organisational environment
  • You reflect and update your internal and external assumptions and paradigms.
  • You have clarity about your values, your Why. You are strengthened in the team and full of a spirit of embarkation.
  • You understand how we can learn from the future to do the right thing today


Humans. Economy. Society.

I look at complex social contexts with a holistic view.
In doing so, I combine analytical precision with creativity to open up paths for new solutions.

Mountains. Perspectives.

Climbing the peaks of this earth is my passion.
Strategic scenarios, future mindset, diversity and sustainability are my core topics.

Complexity. Future.

I am convinced that we are shaping our future now.
I would like to accompany you on this path.

Our joint process.

Concrete results.

Increase your future knowledge and transform complexity into action. 

Develop skills to shape the future. 

Train your future agility. 


Are you curious? Get in touch for a free initial consultation!

Contact me now

Flexibility. Team of experts.

Tailor-made. Your needs. Our expertise.

In over ten years, I have built up a close-knit network of experts with different levels of expertise. When a project requires special skills or more capacity, trusted team players are brought directly into the project.

Holistic. Concrete. Worldwide.

I work with you worldwide, over a short or longer period of time, holistically and solution-oriented. Diverse experience from different continents and industries form the foundation of flexibility, dynamism and vision.

Suitable format. Flexible time period.

Methods and approaches

In a conversation we find out where you are at the moment and where you want to go. I make you an individual offer with the right format and the right tools - and, if necessary, a team of experts. Together we will develop the path to your goal. Are you curious? Get in touch with me without any complications.

My toolbox contains a comprehensive set of systemic methods and approaches, which I use primarily in a participative, agile, appreciative and situational way - and virtually and in presence.

Foresight ist ein strategischer Prozess zur längerfristigen Vorausschau. Analysiert werden mögliche und wünschenswerte Entwicklungen in einem Zeithorizont bis zu 10 oder 15 Jahren.

Hier steht ein kleiner Text zum Tool Agilität – viele können eventuell damit nichts anfangen. Eine kurze Erklärung würde helfen

Der Fokus wird hier auf bereits vorhandenes oder schon aufblitzendes Potenzial einer Organisation gerichtet, auf deren Stärken und bereits erbrachte Leistungen sowie der Bedeutung der Wirkung von Bildern und Geschichten, die innerhalb der Unternehmens erschaffen und verwendet werden. – Define, Discover, Dream, Design & Destiny

Scenario Planning, in der deutschen Sprache auch Szenariotechnik genannt, ist eine systematische Methode, um ein Spektrum an möglichen vielfältigen Zukunftslandschaften zu entwerfen. Es geht dabei weder um Prognosen noch um gute oder schlechte Szenarien. Vielmehr kann auf Basis der entwickelten Szenarien flexibles, wirksames und effektives Denken und Handeln erzielt werden.

Für eine dynamische, nutzerzentrierte und zielorientierte Innovationskultur in Organisationen. Auf Basis stetiger Rückkopplung  zwischen Nutzerwünschen und -bedürfnissen werden kontextbezogene, zielführende und nachhaltige praxisnahe Ergebnisse entwickelt.Verstehen – Beobachten – Standpunkt definieren – Ideen finden – Prototypen entwickeln Testen

Für eine dynamische, nutzerzentrierte und zielorientierte Innovationskultur in Organisationen. Auf Basis stetiger Rückkopplung  zwischen Nutzerwünschen und -bedürfnissen werden kontextbezogene, zielführende und nachhaltige praxisnahe Ergebnisse entwickelt.Verstehen – Beobachten – Standpunkt definieren – Ideen finden – Prototypen entwickeln Testen


Shaping together. The best time to start is now.

I look forward to meeting you - feel free to contact me.

What my clients say
